Radio Starmaker Fund

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Radio Starmaker Fund Annual Report

2020 / 2021

This is our legacy site dedicated to managing claims from pre-April 2024 rounds.

Use this site only for claims on applications from Rounds 87, 88, 89, and 90.

For new applications and more info, please visit our new website at

Tracking Success |
Grant Allocation By Type Of Record Label

Success Fact: David James

David James

In a year entangled by varying Coivd-19 restrictions, David James had to think outside the box when it came to releasing and marketing new music. With the strong support of the Radio Starmaker Fund, David was given the opportunity to present a top tier virtual concert series that was crucial to his music’s success during the pandemic.

With this support, David was able to strongly market his new single to fans, give them a unique virtual concert experience -- a first for David James fans -- and still bring the element of ‘’live music” to his new single. Being able to let the fans experience the new single in a live setting, albeit virtual, resulted in noticeable social media growth, and strengthened the single's awareness. These virtual shows also sparked new ideas surrounding brand partnerships and aligning them with David’s passion for mixology. David has since partnered with Crafty Cocktails, to design his own curated mixology box that included a virtual concert for all box purchasers. Lastly, the support of Radio Star Maker meant while David was off the road due to Covid-19, he was able to still earn live music income via virtual shows, which means David was able to hire his band members, sound tech personnel, and video crew to provide them with income during the Covid-19 pandemic which had greatly impacted their respective fields.

Heather Crane
MDM Recordings

Tracking Success

We have established throughout the operation of the Fund a system of following up with our applicants to seek feedback on the impact of the funding. Statistics can only tell part of the story and we prefer to have specific and direct feedback from our applicants as to how they felt Starmaker assisted their goals. Throughout this report there are several success stories provided by our applicants that illustrate the very positive impact we are having on Canadian artists both here and abroad.

Grant Allocation By Type Of Record Label

Fiscal 2021 Major
Quasi-Indie Misc.
Total Approved Funding For Fiscal Year $558,296 $5,946,190 $614,361 $390,000 $7,508,846
% Of Total Approved Funding 7.44% 79.19% 8.18% 5.19% 100.00%