Radio Starmaker Fund

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Radio Starmaker Fund Annual Report

2015 / 2016

This is our legacy site dedicated to managing claims from pre-April 2024 rounds.

Use this site only for claims on applications from Rounds 87, 88, 89, and 90.

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Radio Starmaker Fund Condensed Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances
For the year ended August 31, 2016

Restricted Funds 2015
Capital Asset Fund
Grant Fund
Contributions from CAB - 11,617,553 11,617,553
Interest - 4,328 4,328
Investment income - 1,434,103 1,434,103
Unrealized loss on investments - (181,602) (181,602)
- 12,874,382 12,874,382
Grants – net of unused and returned funding - 7,486,156 7,486,156
Bank service charges - 441 441
Amortization 9,692 - 9,692
9,692 7,486,597 7,496,289
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses for the year (9,692) 5,387,785 5,378,093
Fund balances – Beginning of year 7,384 17,140,213 17,147,597
Interfund transfers 13,165 (692,191) (679,026)
Fund balances – End of year 10,857 21,835,807 21,846,664