Radio Starmaker Fund

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Home » About the Radio Starmaker Fund » Funding Rules » International Marketing

International Marketing


  • Applicants must qualify per Starmaker’s rules.
  • While no Significant Investment is mandatory, a short summary of your investment in the territory or territories where you apply will illustrate your commitment to the release.
  • The record must be released in each relevant territory within 6 months of the deadline for the round in which you apply.
  • Artists on major labels in a specific territory will not be eligible to receive this funding in that territory.
  • Any release qualifies, whether digital (recognized 3rd party digital distributor in the territory), mobile, physical, licensed or distributed in any international territory.
  • Funding is available up to the maximums set out below, per territory, with preference given to those labels who own, market and administer their own copyrights in the territory being worked.
  • This is “seed” money to help get things started or subsidize existing efforts - it is not intended to fund an entire marketing campaign.
  • Funding priority will be given to applications with touring in the territory in conjunction with the request.

Application Process:

  • Applicants can choose from the following funding categories: Digital Marketing, Independent Publicist’s Fees, Independent Radio Promoter’s Fees, Postering, Print Advertising, Radio Advertising, Retail Promotions and Other.
  • Applicants must prove release.
  • A marketing plan specific to the territory/territories in which you are applying must be provided, priced in Canadian dollars. It must include key information with regard to the release and the funding requests. Please do not cut and paste an existing marketing plan in its entirety – that’s not necessary.
  • Applicants will be able to apply for a second round of funding for the international marketing program in territories where international marketing funds were previously approved for an artist for a particular release. All second international marketing applications must be received within 18 months of the release date of the title in that territory. Additional funds will only be considered if the applicant can show real momentum for the artist in that territory in the final paperwork for the first approval. The paperwork for the previous approval(s) must be received by the deadline for the current round should you want to apply for a second round of funding in any of the previously approved territories. For the second international marketing application, you can again apply for funding up to the cap provided in that territory.

International Marketing: Funding Request Limits Per Round

TerritoryFull-length Distributed ReleaseFull-length Licensed ReleaseBundle Distributed or Licensed Release
Australia / New Zealand$10,000.00$5,000.00$5,000.00
Rest of Europe$10,000.00$5,000.00$5,000.00
Rest of World$10,000.00$5,000.00$5,000.00

The Canadian Association of Broadcasters and Canada's private radio broadcasters...
sole contributor and proud founding member of the Radio Starmaker Fund