Radio Starmaker Fund

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This is our legacy site dedicated to managing claims from pre-April 2024 rounds.

Use this site only for claims on applications from Rounds 87, 88, 89, and 90.

For new applications and more info, please visit our new website at

Fact Sheet

Private Broadcasters in Canada have injected over $124 million into The Radio Starmaker Fund (fund) since 2001 as the sole source of funding. In addition Private Broadcasters have committed through transactional benefits and CCD another $67 million which will be distributed over the next several years. This funding is used to provide marketing and promotional support to help launch the careers of emerging Canadian artists. The fund is a not for profit corporation with a Board of Directors comprised of music industry experts and broadcasters, including appointees from CIMA and Music Canada and has become a foundational element in the Canadian music industry to help advance the careers of rising stars and boost sales of Canadian music.

Private radio is dependent on the music industry for the supply of Canadian recordings and the fund will be one of the means by which we create new Canadian artists that capture audiences and strengthen our Canadian music industry as a whole.


The Radio Starmaker Fund flows from the CAB’s suggestion during the 1997 Commercial Radio Policy Hearing that the existing benefits test be replaced with a minimum contribution to FACTOR/MUSICACTION and a new Canadian music marketing and promotion fund. The Commission, in December 2006 following its review of radio, endorsed the operation of the fund and further extended its mandate for the coming years.

Structure and Allocation of Fund

The fund is dedicated solely for the English-language music industry. An equivalent program, Fonds RadioStar, has been created uniquely for French-language Canadian artists.

How is it Funded

Radio broadcasters are the sole contributors to the fund through 3% of benefits payable for license transfer transactions.

Governing Principles of the Fund

  • The Starmaker Fund is an artist centered vehicle intended to make a substantial and discernible difference to careers of Canadian artists who benefit from it.
  • Monies provided by the fund must be incremental to existing investments being made for promotion and marketing of Canadian artists.

Objectives of the Fund

The fund supports emerging artists with star potential from every region of Canada. The aim is to allocate funding in such a way that it has a direct impact on artists and supports their marketing and touring initiatives both in Canada and abroad in a way that will make a difference.

Who can apply

  • Canadian artists/acts with a sales track record
  • Canadian independent record labels
  • Canadian artist management
  • For complete details regarding eligibility see Eligibility Requirements

What will be funded

The fund supports a variety of marketing and promotional initiatives related to eligible Canadian music recordings, including radio advertising, that are key to developing the star status of Canadian artists. For complete details, see Funding Rules.

How to apply

All applications are to be completed on-line via the Radio Starmaker Fund website. To view a copy of a sample application and to find out more about the Radio Starmaker Fund, please visit the website at or for more information please contact the Radio Starmaker Fund.

The Canadian Association of Broadcasters and Canada's private radio broadcasters...
sole contributor and proud founding member of the Radio Starmaker Fund